Monday, March 16, 2009

Peaking for the Final Four!

Just like Michigan State basketball, it looks like I am peaking nicely for the marathon in 3 weeks.

Last week I ended up doing 51 miles and this week I am looking at about the same. I remember today's run clear as a bell when I made up my schedule 8 weeks ago. It was to be a day to fear. 10 miles with 70 minutes of Tempo (aka faster running) at 9:06 min/mile. Well, it turned out that I kicked it's butt today like a little rag doll. I ended up doing 11 miles total and hit the Tempo paces in the right training zones. 9:04 average pace and 154 average Heart rate! I think this was clearly my best run of this schedule.

% of LT Personal Training Zone BPM
Zones Lower Upper Lower  Upper
1-Active Recovery 80% 0 138
2-Endurance 80% 89% 138 154
3-Tempo 90% 93% 155 161
4-Subthreshold 94% 99% 162 172
5a - Suprathreshold 100% 102% 173 176
5b-Aerobic Capacity 103% 105% 177 181
5c-Anaerobic Capacity 105% 181 +

City Hill 3-16
Mile HR %LT Zone Pace Notes
1 145 84% Endurance 9:11
2 148 86% Endurance 8:59
3 153 89% Endurance 9:08
4 156 90% Tempo 9:11 Uphill
5 160 93% Tempo 9:28 Uphill
6 157 91% Tempo 8:46 Downhill
7 155 90% Tempo 8:52 Downhill
8 159 92% Tempo 9:01
Average 154 89% 9:04

This week I have the following:
Monday: 11 miles with 70 minutes Tempo at 9:06 (complete, did 11 miles see above)
Tuesday: 11 miles Easy
Wednesday: Off Day
Thursday: 21 miles Easy (this is my 2nd, and last 20)
Friday: 4 miles Easy (recovery)
Saturday: 10 miles Easy
Total: 57 miles

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