Friday, March 6, 2009

Next Stop...Cutting the lawn in Dress shoes????

"Are you really going to leave the house wearing.... THOSE????"

Well, I guess so. Because today I wore my new Oxy-sox compression sox (shown above on the calf model) for my 40 minute (about 4 mile recovery run).

Yesterday, I got in a 20.5 mile run! Finally, I was able to run outside. My days of the gym treadmill are disappearing quickly!!! Although tomorrow I think I will have to show off my new socks to the unsuspecting people at the gym. I'm sure they'll be impressed. Especially the high schoolers, since they kinda look like an old lady wearing soccer gear. Next stop...pairing these up with some black dress shoes and working outside. ha


  1. That would be one hot look. You have to take a picture and post it, pushing a lawnmower would be the best, with those squishy pink curlers. Nice job on the 20 miler too... My first one is tomorrow - well its actually 19 but after 17 who's really counting? Oh the stomach thing - I gave myself an ulcer - well that's what they think, I won't know for a couple of weeks. Probably all of the 'should I go faster, should I slow down, what's my pace, when am I going to run, I don't want to run' - anyway, you get the picture...

  2. Congrats on the 20! And outside no less. Yay for Spring and all the great runs you're going to have in it.

  3. So um, I'm about as intelligent as a flea. The concept I've been trying is this:

    Am I not doing it right? Also, I don't know whether I'm supposed to reply to your comment on my blog or on here so please excuse that as well.

  4. So, what do you think of the magic socks? Do you like 'em, or do you just think I drank too much of the Kool-Aid......

  5. I like them. They are a little too thick for a long run for me, but they feel really good. Maybe I'm drinking the kool aid. I dunno.
